Triptych 1, Helliwell Beach, oil on canvas, 24" by 24" , 2020
Triptych 2, Helliwell Beach, oil on canvas, 24" by 24" , 2020
Triptych 3, oil on canvas, 24" by 24", 2020
Beach Log, oil on canvas, 24" by 36", 2021
Then and Now, oil on canvas, 48" by 48", 2021
Dallas Road Beach, oil on canvas, 10" by 10", 2020 Private Collection
Ebb and Flow, oil on canva, 48" by 60", 2021 private Collection Marten Homes
Dallas Road Walk, oil on canvas, 12" by 14", 2021 Private Collection
"Untidaled III", oil on canvas, 16" by 16", 2017, private collection